‘Discovering the true essence of creating a personal and meaningful home goes beyond my studies, internship, and architecture firm experience. It is through self-reflection and observing my reactions to my surroundings that I have found what truly brings me comfort and happiness.

I am constantly amazed by the impact my environment has on me: how being in an enclosed space allows me to unwind, how a piece of art by my daughter sparks my own creativity, how the scent of a particular candle fills me with anticipation for upcoming holidays, and how a colorful vase reminds me of the bond I share with my husband.

Yet, so often, we overlook the incredible potential our homes possess to support and guide us. Homen was born from a strong desire to unlock and maximize this potential, ensuring that everyone receives true value for their substantial investment in building or renovating a home. Together, let's create spaces that truly enhance and enrich our lives.’

Eva Soetens, architect and founder of Homen

“I close my eyes in order to see”

- Paul Gauguin-